Friday, March 28, 2014


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This week we took a trip to the aquarium. I saw many different things while we here. I learned a lot about the different fish and the different animals that were there. One animal that I thought was very interesting were the penguins. They had very cool features, I thought it was cool how they ate. It looked like they just put the fish in their mouth and they swallowed it. Another animal that i loved were the jelly fish. I liked the ones that had the electricity running through them, I thought it was cool how you could actually see it. I also think its interesting how they move they just kind of wander around and move there legs. Another fish that i loved looking at was the fish that looked like a unicorn. It had a horn on its head and swam at the top of the tank and just went back and fourth.

Embedded image permalinkEmbedded image permalinkAnother animal that i enjoyed while on the trip were the sting rays. I loved the touch tank and how you could put your hands in and they swim up and touch your hand. They had a very odd but cool texture to them. The sting rays were very slimy and gooey. I liked it tough it was different. The sea turtle was another one of my favorite animals to look at. They were all so big. They ate a lot of food too. Another thing that I liked was all of the sea anemones. They were all so unique in there own way. They were different sizes, shapes, colors. It was so cool to see them and how they swayed back in fourth and the fish swam around them too. The last thing that i thought was cool was the tank that had the florescent pink light with the fish it it. You could see kind of the skeleton of there bodies and it was different than all the other tanks, because of the colored lights. I found it interesting how the fish didn't act different.

I liked going and watching the Journey to The Pacific. I thought that it was going to be boring but it wasn't. It was so cool. It was full of facts and information. I learned a lot in that video. Like that sea turtle can get up to 400 lbs or that the fish are going extinct because fishermen are over fishing them. I think that's sad because the reefs are so beautiful and they need fish to live in them. The movie showed a lot if different types of sea plants and of animals.It talked about how the mangroves protect the islands from storms and they protect the littler fish that live near shore. It showed us how sea turtles lay there eggs and how they can lay hundreds of eggs. And when they hatch they find there way to the ocean. On the way sometimes crabs and birds see the turtles and eat them, but some do make it to the ocean

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