Friday, October 18, 2013

Dancing of the continents

From doing the activity "Dancing of the Continents" I learned about how the continents have drifted over time and how they came together. The Theory of Continental  Drift discovered by Wegner in 1960, is said that the continents slid on the floor of the ocean. I never knew that that could ever happen until we learned this. I think that this theory does make sense in a way. It would make sense that the continents could slide over the ocean floor because under it us all rock and it would be easy for the continents to crack then begin to slide. The theory of Seafloor Spreading proposed by Hess in 1960 also could have been what happened. He says that molten magma from under the earths crust oozed up between the plates, after a while the magma would cool from the ocean water and become rock. This could have been one of the reasons that our continents could have drifted. The rock over time could have began to crack and cause the plates to slide and make the continents move. The Theory of Plate Tectonics says that the earths crust is broken into six large plates and small ones too. I think that scientist take so much time to try and figure out how the continents actually did move.
 I think that all of the theory's could have been the causing of the continents drifting. I think this because all of them have very interesting things and idea that could possibly be the cause. I do not think that we will ever really know what and or how the continents did drift. I also think that the plates may have drifted because they were old and or broken, and they just decided to break and that is why they drifted. Either of the theory's could have been why. All of them have logical information and details that could have been the cause of continental drift.

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